It’s not a stretch to say that no matter what, your family’s safety should always be kept in mind. While this is true all year round, the colder months can bring unique challenges to this noble endeavor. Although keeping warm is the name of the game, how you go about it will need serious thought.
Furthermore, recent surveys showed that heating appliances are the second-most leading cause of house fires, and that overloading electrical sockets and faulty wiring were the precursors to such unfortunate incidents.
In order to educate yourself and your family on how to avoid these dangerous practices, here are three cool tips for safe home heating:
1. Trust In Professionals
When it comes to acquiring information on a subject, look no further than your local professionals. Local firemen and experts are more than happy to share helpful tips with you. Additionally, these qualified individuals are your best bet when it comes to the proper installation and inspection of your home and its heating devices.
A home inspection with a professional is an excellent first step when it comes to safety. Their trained eyes can help spot areas that present a high-risk of starting a fire. These can include:
- Fireplaces
- Ash containers
- Central heating
- Heating equipment
- Water heaters
After which, the inspection can conclude with a proper inspection of your fire alarms. Making sure these are up-to-date and running can ensure enough warning is given in the event of a fire. Furthermore, they can also make suggestions on areas that may need the presence of these life-saving devices.
Scheduling a visit with a professional doesn’t have to be stressful. A simple search on the Internet can quickly point you to the nearest expert in your area. Whether you’re looking for full-on house inspection services in Winnipeg or in Virginia, or needing a Boyce heater check-up, the help of an expert is what you need.
2. Practice The Three-Foot Rule
A simple yet effective principle to employ in the presence of heating equipment is the three-foot rule. It states that whenever a family uses any avenue of heating, a safety radius of at least three feet must be observed. Moreover, a strict adherence to this guideline will help keep the home warm and safe.
Cold months can present excellent moments to relax and appreciate your seasonal décor. But, while it may be tempting to snuggle up next to the fireplace or portable heater during colder weather, the risk of catching fire is always present. Sparks from the furnace can bounce off and come into contact with blankets or clothes. This is made even more dangerous in the presence of extremely flammable materials, like gasoline or oil.
A good practice is to start teaching children about this rule from an early age. It can help them become pro-active in their own safety and that of others. This way, they can become teachers to other younger children and also serve as an extra pair of eyes for your home’s wellbeing.
Another member of the household who may need help with this rule is your family’s pet as they may not fully understand the danger of coming too close to sources of heat.
Setting up a boundary around heating equipment can be an excellent start for preventative measures. Furthermore, adding an extra layer over electric blankets can see to it that their inner wiring remains unchewed and undamaged.
3. Set Aside Time And Money For Annual Checks
Considering everything else you may have on your plate, setting aside extra funds and scheduling annual checkups will only serve to benefit you. The knowledge you gain from these excursions will be crucial in formulating preventative measures for your home’s safety.
As with the human body, so, too, does your home need a yearly tune-up. Additionally, keeping up to date on the status of your home may save you money in the long run. Aside from avoiding the cost and heartbreak of a fire incident, maintenance on your heating system will help keep it fully operational. Blockages and malfunctions can end up using even more power or fuel to keep your home warm.
Portable heating devices will need to be included in the list as well. Older models may not have the safety features of newer designs. These can mean automatic shutdowns or built-in alarm systems. Ultimately, learning these differences in models can give your family the confidence to invest in newer, safer appliances.
Gathering around the fire should be a time of camaraderie and kinship. And, knowing these three tips for safe home heating can help to increase the quality of that bonding period. With a safer home and money back in your wallet, these may be the recipe to your best cold season yet.