When you think of the challenges of building custom home gyms, are you concerned about the cost of equipment, a lack of space, the safety issue, or perhaps that you just don’t know what equipment to buy? If you have even a small room in your home to devote to working out, installing one of these personal home gyms is surprisingly affordable. Here a few tips and ideas to help you choose the right set-up for your fitness needs.
- Asses what type of gym you need: Are you into yoga and medication or are you wanting all cardiovascular equipment and free weights? Determine what type of amenities you would like to house in your gym. Consider getting inspiration from local gyms in your area to assess what amenities are options for you. If you work out with a personal trainer, they can help you determine what would work best in your home.
- Choose a space in your home: Before you select the equipment and furnishings for your home gym, you will need to decide what room it will fit in best. Choose a room that is preferably in the basement or on a solid foundation. Equipment and free weights weigh a lot and can damage a floor if you are not careful. Also choose a room that is going to be inspiring that you will want to spend time in. Depending on your home this area can be open looking out a beautiful window or in a room with plenty of walls for mirrors.
- Budget: Home gyms can be very simple with an open space with mats and music. Or it can be state of the art with a complete audio/visual system, professional equipment and can fit multiple users at one time. Set a budget and then start shopping. When shopping don’t only think of cost. The size, electrical requirements, and experience knowledge to use the equipment should also be considered. Don’t buy equipment that is too advanced or you may never use it, and vice versa f you know how to use equipment outfit your gym in what you will love using to keep you motivated.
- Convert existing rooms: If you decide to convert a previous used room into a gym there are a few considerations you should make.
- Noise: Most home gyms have music playing, weights and equipment making noise, etc. Before changing a current room, make sure it is not adjacent to quiet areas like bedrooms and bathroom.
- Adequate ventilation: Ensure there is enough air circulation and/or conditioned air into the space. If you choose a room with low air flow you will become overheated quicker and it may not be comfortable for you to regularly work out in the space.
- Electrical requirements: Before buying equipment research how much power is required to run the desired equipment in the existing room. Your home may not have enough circuit’s available if your convert an existing room. If you are not sure, ask an electrican for help determining the load currently on your space.
Building your own personal home gym will allow you the freedom to do total body workouts without ever having to wait for equipment at a busy public gym, or needing to worry about closing or any number of other distractions.