Do you still remember the Sensation Of A High-Tech Bathtubs Design, which has a shape like a flower and sophistication of its technology? And now, you’ll see a bathtub that is not less good.

The bathtub is not only used in the bath to cleanse the body, but a place to soak in warm water to revive your body and soul.
Ethereal form of the bathtub features organic curves that seem to naturally follow the curve of the body, sets on four legs – a classic-contemporary twist. But the most unexpected twist is found in the luxurious sudsy water.
This foam is produced by mixing air with hot water containing a foaming agent specifically made of materials safe enough for use in food or cosmetic products through a foaming device.

Weird and wonderful, this “scum technology “ is like bathing in the cloud nine. By using this tub, surely we will find a great sensation.