Choosing tiles for Walls

Several areas on the walls of a building often can not be avoided in moist situations such as bathrooms, kitchens, exterior walls in the home or hospital room wall that much contact with water to keep it clean. Properties of ceramic with glazing layer on the top surface has a porosity close to perfect so as to maintain water flows into. In addition, the slippery nature gives ease to clean.

Best wall tile for interior
Simple tile pattern design

Choosing tiles the wall there are artistic because they have adapted to the function and application usage. Moreover, because the principle as coatings that are not structural, then the level of violence to ceramic wall tile does not need to be level with the floor.

Good tile design for wall interior
Artistic tile wall design

Ceramic wall is generally made ​​with different sizes with ceramic floor. If the generally rectangular floor tiles made ​​of ceramic wall made ​​the elongated square. In addition to the visual distinction, the effects of the installation on the wall horizontally or vertically psychological effects widen or narrow space.

In terms of aesthetics, the use of ceramics to be equipped with accessories such as wall and reliefs. Listello give accent to the edge of the field or to separate two different types of ceramics. For example in a bathroom application, placement usually separates listello wall section under the two- thirds of it. While on the kitchen wall placement more flexible accessory in the form of a wall relief in accordance with the theme, combining two types square tiles arranged like a chessboard and use at the boundary position in contact with the cabinet.

Usually selected for ceramic wall tiles and luster surface because these choosing tiles and characters facilitate the cleaning process. Kitchen wall for example are often at risk of contact with splashes of oil and fat containing vapor causing a dull and greasy surface . By using liquid soap mixed with warm water ceramic surface is sufficient to effectively clean the dirt .

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