As time went on, my beloved little one grew bigger. Not only food needs, even more, clothing needs. Because of this, a child needs a cupboard to store his favorite clothes. Providing a child’s closet to the baby has several benefits. Your child will have a special storage area for his clothes. In addition, the existence of a child’s wardrobe is able to train the baby to be responsible for what he has and arrange clothes more neatly without your help.
Best Cabinets with Drawers
If usually the wardrobe only consists of doors, this child’s closet has a unique design. On the left side, there are two doors for hanging clothes in the closet. On the right, you can see several drawers of different heights. Above the drawers, there is an open shelf.
Cabinets that Follow the Walls of The Room
In order for the room to look more attractive, you can build a child’s wardrobe to follow the shape of the room wall. By having a lot of doors, your little one can store many things besides his clothes, such as bags. On the right side of the closet, there is a shelf to put books.
Built-in Wardrobe Furniture Design
Not only can the cabinets be moved around, but the built-in children’s wardrobe can also be an alternative. The room will look wider. The little one can also store more clothes and accessories and certainly neater because of the number of storefronts.
Wooden Cabinets as Well Beds Ideas
What is unique about this children’s wardrobe is that it is capable of carrying classic natural nuances without the help of other furniture. This is because the cupboard is made of wood so that it still looks a bit of a typical motif of the tree. Plus, the golden door handles on each cupboard door make it more elegant.